Thursday, August 22, 2013

Traveling : Chile

So lately I've been thinking about traveling again and I decided to post the time I spent almost two months in Chile.

I went during the winter time, so it was quite cold, nonetheless everything was beautiful.
The leaves had this beautiful shade of color that I am definitely not used to seeing in Miami, FL.
I was in the capitol, Santiago, for most of my stay, visiting family, eating, enjoying shopping and so forth. The view where I was staying was beautiful. Everyday I woke up and saw....

You got it. Mountains. 
In case you were wondering I took these pictures on top of the roof of the house I was currently staying in. It was beautiful to see all the houses and you can actually jump from house to house because they were so close together.

A few weeks went by and I traveled more South of Chile to visit my father's mother in his home pueblo, Corinto. It was a sight.
This is my grandmother's cat, "Vieja Chica" (old lady), look how beautiful her color is with the setting around her.

My uncle had geese to sell later

They live on a mountain and there are mountains and hills surrounding the pueblo. 

A house affected by an earthquake

Look at hoe cool those steps are!

Where farmers grow fruits and berries and so forth.

Grape vines 
I believe the most beautiful thing I've seen in Corinto was definitely "La piuchena". It was where my father and all his siblings used to hang out around summer time.
I drank water from the creek. It tasted spectacular. Freshest water I drank.

We left Corinto and went further South to visit my mothers uncle and my horse.
 His name is Capataz
Last but not least I went to Vina del Mar and Valpairiso. It's on the coast of Chile, and the sights was beautiful. I will now spam you with lots of photos I took there from the view, graffiti, graffiti, oh and did I mention graffiti?

That was my stay in Chile and hopefully not my last.
Until next time guys,


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