Monday, August 26, 2013

Breaking Bad : S05, E11 "Confessions"

I know this is a day late and I'm sorry for that. <3 
I am going to start writing as I watch the episode so that I can get everything clear, and with fresh reactions. 

Confessions was the perfect title for this episode. The more episodes I see of breaking bad the more intense it gets. It was an excellent episode.

I mean, where do I even begin with this episode?? 
Lets start with the fact that Walter was making a confession video for whatever reason in the beginning. And Skylar did not look like she approved this.

Walter confessed to JR that his cancer came back again. He really didn't want JR going to his aunt Marie's house, so he had to come up with something right? 
Even if what he did come up with hurt his son pretty bad, but hey, better now than never!

And then when this happened....

I was awkward! Especially for the waiter! Marie and Hank are dead set on not trying to hide Walter's secret in any way. And they are definitely not trying to put this under the rug. 
Walter and Skyler explains to them everything, that they're more than capable of taking care of their kids and that they are in not in danger in any way. Hank doesn't buy the bullshit and of course Marie supports him straight off. She even tells Walter off.

So before Walter and Skyler leave, Walter slides a DVD towards Hank, in which it must be the confessional in the beginning of the episode. Of course I went apeshit wondering what in the holy fuck was wrong with Walter until we actually saw the confession video in which it started...

"My name is Walter Hartwell White… this is my confession. If you're watching this tape, I'm probably dead, murdered by my brother-in-law, Hank Schrader. Hank has been building a meth empire for over a year now, and using me as his chemist"

What a plot twist! I can't find the whole confession video, but the monologue was incredible and the way it was acted was even more spectacular! Soon after Hank and Marie were fooled, Hank also finds out how his medical bills were paid (Walt's money) and tells Marie she basically killed them both... for now.

And now for the big moment....
Jesse Pinkman

So how heartbreaking was the second half of the show? When Jesse is talking to Walt in the dessert and Walter gives Jesse advice about leaving for good, and Jesse is hurt by Walter and then they hug and and and

So Jesse takes his advice, goes to Saul and then they make the arragment for him to go and when it finally does come... He realizes a deep, and very hurtful secret. He realized that Walter might have poisoned Brock, by the help of Saul. Jesse barges into Saul's office and basically beats the shit out of him and confronts him about the whole thing. 


It broke my heart watching Jesse feeling so broken and betrayed.. especially here

So as the episode rolls, he tells Walter. Walter gets a gun! Which is not a good sign! and while that's happening Jesse is... 

going to burn the house down. 

What do guys think is going to happen next episode? 
Will Walter kill Jesse? 
Or will this just be talked out? 
Let me know your opinions at the bottom!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Traveling : Chile

So lately I've been thinking about traveling again and I decided to post the time I spent almost two months in Chile.

I went during the winter time, so it was quite cold, nonetheless everything was beautiful.
The leaves had this beautiful shade of color that I am definitely not used to seeing in Miami, FL.
I was in the capitol, Santiago, for most of my stay, visiting family, eating, enjoying shopping and so forth. The view where I was staying was beautiful. Everyday I woke up and saw....

You got it. Mountains. 
In case you were wondering I took these pictures on top of the roof of the house I was currently staying in. It was beautiful to see all the houses and you can actually jump from house to house because they were so close together.

A few weeks went by and I traveled more South of Chile to visit my father's mother in his home pueblo, Corinto. It was a sight.
This is my grandmother's cat, "Vieja Chica" (old lady), look how beautiful her color is with the setting around her.

My uncle had geese to sell later

They live on a mountain and there are mountains and hills surrounding the pueblo. 

A house affected by an earthquake

Look at hoe cool those steps are!

Where farmers grow fruits and berries and so forth.

Grape vines 
I believe the most beautiful thing I've seen in Corinto was definitely "La piuchena". It was where my father and all his siblings used to hang out around summer time.
I drank water from the creek. It tasted spectacular. Freshest water I drank.

We left Corinto and went further South to visit my mothers uncle and my horse.
 His name is Capataz
Last but not least I went to Vina del Mar and Valpairiso. It's on the coast of Chile, and the sights was beautiful. I will now spam you with lots of photos I took there from the view, graffiti, graffiti, oh and did I mention graffiti?

That was my stay in Chile and hopefully not my last.
Until next time guys,
